Family Photoshare - 2024

I want an app that I can use to share photos and messages with my family that is not owned by Meta. I know that getting everyone I know onto a new app is basically impossible but I can make my family at least have a go at something that I build myself (mostly out of guilt). I have a bit of time on my hands currently and I need to keep my skills sharp. I also want to develop something that I can show to potential employers.

The basic idea is to replace a group chat channel in Messenger with a dedicated app. This makes no sense economically. This will not scale. At all. I really only want to do this for my own sake.

The plan

  • Back end
    • Auth
    • Post text
    • User feed
    • Create group
    • Join group
    • Leave group
    • Post text
    • Post image
  • Mobile (iOS App & Android App)
    • Auth
    • Join group
    • Leave group
    • Own feed
    • Post text
    • Post image
    • Group feed
